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Monday, 24 January 2011


I am who I am
not where I am.

I cannot be held
nor will these 'damn fine' bones meld
with some fey concept
of an emotional debt
to an old grey town
where I am no longer content
to play that charming young clown
in return for an emotional rent.

I am who I am
not where I am.

I will not belong
though in this 'modern day' the encouragement is strong
to this lacklustre place
with its damp walls and dreary pace
and the overall sense that wheresoever you face
you face ambivalence
with little or no grace.

I am who I am
not where I am.

So do not confine me
because there is escapism even in damn poetry
and though physically I am trapped
by an age limit which I believe is capped
at 18; I am then dropped.
To make my own glorious way
as close as possible to the top
so it matters not if I stay.

I am who I am
not where I am.

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